If you own or manage a business that utilizes frac tanks, you know that they are large capacity steel tanks that are designed to store liquids and solids such as chemicals, manure, petroleum products, and saline water to name a few. Frac tanks provide business operators with a great deal of storage-based flexibility, which is why they are used in a vast variety of applications. In addition, there are different types of frac tanks, which make them even more useful.
For example, frac tanks are available in various sizes that typically range from an 8,400 gallons storage capacity, all the way up to a 21,000-gallon storage capacity. No matter the size, these incredibly useful tanks can be easily moved with the use of a truck or tractor. Frac tanks are designed with either round bottom or V bottom configurations. The structure itself creates a low central point so that the tank can be emptied and cleaned with ease. In essence there is absolutely zero need to tilt the tank in order to empty it and or clean it.
Speaking of cleaning, they should only be cleaned and inspected by a professional that specializes in frac tank maintenance. In addition, frac tank cleaning and maintenance should be conducted on a regular basis in order to ensure that the stored materials remain intact, and that the tank is not corroding or leaking. Since specific projects require different types of frac tanks, we will review the most popular. Mix tanks typically range from 7,000 gallons to 18,000 gallons. They are steel tanks that do not contain any internal rods or corrugations.
Mix tanks constantly agitate and circulate stored liquids. Closed top frac tanks provide a temporary storage solution for liquids. They contain flat tops and are typically used in the fracking industry. However, a great deal of industries are now using frac tanks as temporary storage vessels. Open top frac tanks are incredibly durable, thick steel tanks with an open top. This makes it a lot easier to monitor the levels of the liquids stored inside them. Open top frac tanks are typically used to store liquids such as stormwater runoff, and non-hazardous chemicals.
Open top weir tanks are frac tanks that are manufactured with steel. They help control the flow of liquids upwards of 100 gallons per minute. That means they are the ideal solution for segregating contaminants, oils, and residual fluids. Last but certainly not least, double wall frac tanks are designed with a built in secondary compartment for the storage of liquids in multiple compartments. Generally speaking, frac tanks can easily be attached to other devices such as pumps, filters, and other equipment on site.
If you have any questions about frac tank cleaning and maintenance, or would like to schedule service we are happy to help. Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection for a vast variety of environmentally related services. Our company has been serving Boston Massachusetts, Southern NH, VT & ME as well as Northern CT & RI since 1952. We will work with you to plan our work around your production schedule, causing as little disruption as possible so you can continue your production schedule. Please Contact us to learn more about our vast array of services today. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
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