Did you know that parking lot water runoff can cause a lot of damage to your property and your neighbors property? That includes the street, which is obviously owned by your local city or town. In essence, if your parking lot floods because it’s not draining correctly then you’re responsible for any damages that the flood causes. You may have flood insurance to cover some or most of the damages, but the vast majority of property owners do not. That means you will need to reach deep down in your pocket in order to pay for the damages that your flooded parking lot causes.
Those damages tend to add up quickly. Not to mention that if the water runoff ends up polluting the environment, you’re also financially responsible for the fees to have it cleaned up. You wouldn’t think that water runoff from a simple rain shower or snowmelt situation actually causes pollution in the surrounding area, but it does. This is due to the fact that the surface of your parking lot is coated with chemicals that are dangerous to the environment. For example, if a vehicle that’s parked at your parking lot has an oil leak, the engine oil stays behind long after the vehicle leaves.
When it rains, and or large piles of snow melt all at once, the resulting storm water starts flowing. It picks up the engine oil that’s in its path. If the storm water isn’t properly contained and distributed, it can easily reach the surrounding area. Oftentimes, the storm water that contains the engine oil and other chemicals and debris ends up in a local body of water such as a stream, pond, or lake. The engine oil then pollutes that stream, pond or lake. If the authorities track the pollution back to your parking lot water runoff, you will be held responsible.
The fines and cleanup costs can be in the tens of not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Imagine going out of pocket for that? The good news is that you can prevent parking lot water runoff from causing damage to your property, your neighbors property, the environment, and your bank account. Oftentimes the solution is something simple and inexpensive. Even if the repair work is a bit more involved, it will still save you a ton of money compared to paying for damages and fines.
If you have any questions about our parking lot water runoff services, or would like to schedule an appointment we are happy to help. Please contact us today! Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection for a vast variety of environmentally related services. Our company has been serving Boston Massachusetts, Southern NH, VT & ME as well as Northern CT & RI since 1952. Please Contact us to learn more today.
Environmental related issues occur all of the time, and can strike at any time. That is exactly why you need to have a local and reliable environmental services company at the helm and ready to go whenever you actually need them.
Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is a fully licensed and bonded utility contractor that has the ability to pull the proper permits in municipalities across New England.
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