Did you know that there are multiple applications for vacuum truck services? These versatile machines can be used to excavate the ground, properly clean catch basins, and clear clogs in sewer lines. They can also be used to clean frac tanks and storage tanks, clean culverts, and to both clean up and recover a full spectrum of materials. Vacuum truck services are used by multiple industries and municipalities across New England. So what exactly is a vacuum truck? A vacuum truck works by utilizing a pump based system that creates negative air pressure in order to produce suction.
In essence, that is how all vacuums work. For example, the vacuum you use at home works in the same manner. The difference is that vacuum trucks utilize a much higher level of suction. These industrial machines that are used to vacuum liquids, such as slurry and sludge, from a specific location and move those liquids from the location to a storage tank that is located on the truck. Once the liquid is sucked up, it is then transported to another location for storage or disposal. That means vacuum truck services are the perfect application for removing or emptying large storage tanks, septic tanks, and water tanks.
They can also be used to clean up floodwater from areas that are experiencing excessive amounts of stormwater and or snowmelt runoff. Speaking of which, vacuum trucks are often utilized by cities, towns, and private real estate owners for catch basin cleaning. In essence, when the catch basins become full and clogged with sand, dirt, leaves, garbage, and other materials they tend to overflow to the point that they cannot handle the stormwater and snowmelt runoff. This is a major cause for flooding. Of course floods can cause millions of dollars of damage to properties and roadways.
The good news is that scheduling vacuum truck services with a reputable environmental company for catch basin cleaning is an easy way to avoid this from happening. In addition, vacuum trucks can be outfitted with suction tubes and highly pressurized hoses. This handy feature provides them with the ability to excavate the ground without destroying the surrounding area. The technologically advanced process is called hydro excavation. In essence, pressurized water is sprayed through a hose at the area that requires excavating. The soil turns into sludge.
The sludge is vacuumed through a hose and transported into the storage tank on the truck. At that point, the sludge can be removed from the job site in order to be disposed of. Hydro excavation is fast and efficient. The bottom line is that vacuum truck services save both time and money. Vacuum truck services are far less dangerous when compared with the traditional way of doing things.
If you have any questions about vacuum truck services in Massachusetts, or would like to schedule service we are happy to help. Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection for a vast variety of environmentally related services. Our company has been serving Boston Massachusetts, Southern NH, VT & ME as well as Northern CT & RI since 1952. Please Contact us to learn more today. Environmental related issues occur all of the time, and can strike at any time. That is exactly why you need to have a local and reliable environmental services company at the helm and ready to go whenever you actually need them.
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