Did you know that when heavy-duty industrial wet dry vacuum units are joined with combination trucks it forms a powerful tool that has the ability to clean up a wide variety of non-hazardous materials? Welcome to the world of vacuum trucks. In essence, vacuum trucks work in a similar manner to a standard wet/dry shop vacuum, but on a much larger scale. An incredibly powerful pump removes air from the holding tank that is mounted on the truck. That creates a vacuum inside the holding tank. When the primary and secondary shutoff valves on the suction hoses are opened, it forces the tank to equalize the pressure within it.
This phenomenon allows the truck to suck up liquids, solids, and sludge’s. Vacuum trucks are typically utilized by environmental companies. This is due to the fact that they handle large-scale non-toxic cleanups and recoveries such as solids, sawdust, fly ash, fine dust, dry bulk powders, grains, liquids, oils, slurries, and thick sludge catalysts to name a few. Vacuum trucks can also be used in both industrial and municipal settings. For example, they are the perfect machines for catch basin and stormceptor cleaning and maintenance.
Catch basins and stormceptors need to be cleaned out on a regular basis, and vacuum trucks are the fastest and most cost effective manner in which to accomplish that. They are also the ideal solution for most excavation applications in the form of hydro excavation where pressurized water is sprayed at high frequency in order to move soil. The vacuum truck sucks up the sludge and displaces it in the tank for short-term storage or removal from the jobsite. Vacuum trucks have the capability to move wet and dry products from light dust all the way up to heavy gravel.
These powerful units can also work from long distance ranges, which provides the operator with far more flexibility when compared to other types of traditional machinery. For example, long distance suction lines provide the vacuum loader with the ability to reach remote and inaccessible locations from as far away as 300 feet. This holds true even underwater and or underground. This fact makes vacuum trucks the perfect cleaning machine for sand pits, separators, clarifiers, silos, mixers, processing vats, spill sites, and storage tanks.
Vacuum trucks are the solution to all of your non-hazardous material removal needs, and are by far the fastest and most cost-effective method possible. Vacuum trucks play an important role in keeping businesses, job sites, towns, and cities safe and clean. These versatile machines are able to handle a great deal of jobs of any size. In fact, they have the ability to handle even the most difficult jobs.
If you have any questions about vacuum trucks and how they can help your business, city, or town or would like to schedule service we are happy to help. Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection for a vast variety of environmentally related services. Our company has been serving Boston Massachusetts, Southern NH, VT & ME as well as Northern CT & RI since 1952. We will work with you to plan our work around your production schedule, causing as little disruption as possible so you can continue your production schedule. Please Contact us to learn more today.
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