If you own or manage a commercial property or multiple commercial properties, ensuring that they are properly maintained is a large piece of the property maintenance puzzle. This holds especially true when it comes to plumbing systems due to the fact that plumbing related issues are at or near the top of the list of the most expensive, and most stressful problems that a property manager faces. For example, major plumbing issues can cost tens of thousands of dollars to fix. In addition, they tend to displace tenants.
Think of it this way. If the toilets do not flush, and or the sinks do not work, then people simply cannot live or work in the building while the plumbing system is out of order.
That means you are responsible for paying for their housing, office space, or warehouse space until the major plumbing issue is fixed properly, which can add tens of thousands of dollars onto the overall costs of repairs. The good news is that there is a simple plumbing maintenance solution that discovers small issues before they turn into major problems. In fact, it is the plumbing maintenance solution that every property owner should utilize. So without further ado, we would like to introduce you to the world of sewer system/plumbing pipe video camera inspection.
How Sewer System/Plumbing Pipe Video Camera Inspections Work
The best way to maintain the plumbing system at your commercial property is to institute a preventative maintenance plan. That begins with the sewer system/plumbing pipe video camera inspection. It is a fairly simple process, and here is how it works. A sewer system/plumbing pipe video camera operator will insert a tiny video camera into the plumbing pipes through an access point such as a cleanout. The camera is attached to a flexible rod that is fed into the pipes. As the camera is traveling through the plumbing pipes it is recording a high definition video in real time.
The camera is also broadcasting the live video back to the operator as it works its way throughout the pipes. The operator can view the process on a portable device such as a laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone. The camera shows the exact condition of the interior of the pipes in great detail. In essence, it will show even the smallest issues. The good news is that most small problems can be fixed before they turn into larger, far more expensive disasters, or at least tracked with future sewer system/plumbing pipe video inspections if they do not require immediate repair.
Since the inspection is recorded it will act as a base or foundation for future inspections. That way operators can compare the videos to see if the problem is getting worse, or can be left alone until the next inspection. You will be supplied with a copy of the video inspection and the results of the video inspection. Speaking of the next inspection, it is highly recommended that commercial property managers schedule a sewer system/plumbing pipe video camera inspection on a yearly basis in order to properly maintain the plumbing system and ensure that there are no major problems moving forward.
If you have any questions about sewer system/plumbing pipe video camera inspections, or would like to schedule service we are happy to help. Jolin Paving & Excavating, Inc. is your New England connection for a vast variety of environmentally related services. Our company has been serving Boston Massachusetts, Southern NH, VT & ME as well as Northern CT & RI since 1952. Please Contact us to learn more today.
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